Tuesday, January 24, 2012

The Very Beginning

Well, this is scary.

I've been promising myself for years that I would make this blog, that I'd venture into this obscure and intricate online world in order to do the things I love best - namely, writing, and finding inspiration in and for everything.

Since I discovered my love for writing at age 11 or so, I've kept a series of "Inspiration Notebooks," filled with everything: famous quotes, stick-figure sketches of characters, words that struck me as particularly amusing, transcripts of eavesdropped conversations, pressed flowers, the beginnings of all my stories and poems, to-do lists, records of books I'd read or movies I'd seen, doodles of hands and trees (the only things I can actually draw, see Stick Figures above), my goals, lists of outfits I'd worn and liked, conversations with myself in Spanish - basically completely normal and rational things for an 11 year old geeky airhead (yes, such a thing IS possible) to be keeping track of.

And then, just a few years ago, the blog world spiraled out of control. It seemed everyone either 1.) Had a blog or 2.) Read dozens upon dozens of blogs. I was completely uninterested. Until I stumbled across the ever-amazing blog galadarling.com. From there, I was hooked - following style blogs, travel blogs, lifestyle blogs, decor blogs, etc. etc. etc.

But I never found quite what I was looking for - a blog to keep my ever-scattered mind busy and a blog to inspire me to grow and progress in my personal style, my art, and as myself (VERY cheesy, but nonetheless, true.)

In short - a blog to keep me positive, yet realistic, challenged, yet contented, whimsical, yet down to earth.

There's got to be some great philosophical quote out there about how if you can't find a path, you should create your own. Robert Frost, maybe? Well, that's what I'm doing here. To create that very blog - and blog to inspire myself and others, a little of everything- fashion, writing, travel, inspirational quotes, deep thoughts, lots of sunshine and positivity, and yes, I'll even include some eavesdropped conversations. Un poco de todo. A little of all.

And yes, I'm scared out of my mind. What place does a college-freshman-beginning-writer-very-disorganized-commitment-phobe have in blogworld? I guess we'll find out.

Enough for now. Let the blogging commence!

X- Aleah

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